Structure and Presentation Methods/Running Order

The structure and presentation methods of The One Show is much similar to both This Morning and also our commissioned programme Trending. As all these programmes are classed as Magazine shows, they each cover current affairs and a variety of topics that bring people up to date with the current climate, while also discussing a range of topics that can be relevant to the masses. 

The running order of the One Shows, is similar each day as it follows the following. 

-Opening Titles 


-Coming Up 

This is when the running order normally contains



-Social Media Catch Up (Tweets and messages that have come in during the show, this is normally at the end)

There are regularly multiple of each VT's and Interview which cover the topics of the day and follow whatever is relevant in the news that day. This could also be stories that cover events or specific days like 'St Patricks Day' etc.

This is similar to Trending, which will feature VT's showing more information about our contestants that are pre-filmed. In my opinion this helps break up from the studio set up and allows you to see in depth the details of the story they are covering. If this wasn't the case the story may not be conveyed properly just by the presenters discussing the story.

Much like Trending the One Show uses the presenters as a glue for the show, to move the segments on and to interact with each story and the viewers. I believe this is why the show is so successful as much like This Morning the presenters uplift the show and have the same morale of a feel good magazine show, also like Trending.

Fig 1. Two Shot and Set (2021)

Fig 2. One Shot 1 (2021)

Fig 3.One Shot 2 (2021)

Fig 4. VT Shot (2021)

Within these shots above you can see the structure of the show and each shot. Comparable to This Morning you can see both one shots are in sync, also allowing a slight of balance to the left and right, in my opinion which allows for any hand movements as the presenters look at each other. This is something we will be focusing on through Trending to ensure the eyelines match. Anyone one the singular show will need to leave a slight larger space in which way the presenter is facing. I feel this is a great way for the show to look professional and also for the eyeline to match along with each framing of the shots.

You can also see from Fig 4 which is an image from a VT they were airing regarding to salons and barber opening, as I've mentioned I feel it is important to feature VT's and take you away from the studio as if it was purely only studio based, the viewer may get bored. The VT keeps it interesting and engaging, which is how Trending will also follow and use VT's.

Branding and Marketing/ Graphics.

The One show has many Branding and Marketing's techniques as they feature other platforms that interlink and in my opinion is what can bring further viewership and engagement with marketing. What I mean by this, is that like This Morning once the show has finished, they have also plugged all their social media and website, which allows you to re-read stories, recipe's and overlook anything that you may of missed. It allows viewers to engage with the programme even when it's not on television through platforms like youtube, Instagram, Twitter etc.

The Title sequence is extremely strong which I will speak about below. The set and graphics are extremely colourful and on brand with both the BBC and their show. As I have mentioned The One show is a light-hearted and uplifting magazine show that does feature serious news and stories, but is also there to bring delight to your telly while you're eating your dinner with your family. Again, like other magazine shows this is something that can be watched as a family and although may not be of interest to everyone, their stories are representive of the masses and can appeal to a larger audience.


Fig 5. Title Sequence 1 (2021)

Fig 6. Title Sequence 2 (2021)

Fig 7. Title Sequence 3 (2021)

As you can see the graphics are bright and as the movement comes in, it focuses on the name of the show, the graphics also end on red which is very on brand with the platform it is aired on, the BBC. The music is also extremely catchy and on brand, its uplifting and happy yet alarming enough for you to not be in the room, hear it and know exactly that The One Show is on television. I feel this is really important as you want your programme to be identifiable and memorable, which the one show definitely is.  

Why this is relevant to Trending 

As mentioned, The One Show is already relevant to Trending through it magazine style show. However, as well as it's structure, the branding shots and graphics are also on point with trending as they're very on brand and bright. Trending is also based on a range of colours and has similar upbeat yet alarming music so you can tie in the show and music after watching it once, which makes it relatable and memorable. 

The presentation of The One show is also relevant with the two presenters being the glue, with the one shot, two shot and also an establishing shot on jib, which is what we will also be using. Again, I feel this is a way to allow the viewers to feel like you're letting them in, and you're in the studio with them just having a chat with some friends which is why magazine shows are so relatable. 

List Of Illustrations

Fig 1. The One Show (Youtube) Two Shot and Set (2021) [Youtube Screenshot] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQWuw1w_5vM (Accessed on 20/04/2021)

Fig 2. The One Show (Youtube) One Shot 1 (2021) [Youtube Screenshot] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQWuw1w_5vM (Accessed on 20/04/2021)

Fig 3.The One Show (Youtube) One Shot 2 (2021) [Youtube Screenshot] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQWuw1w_5vM (Accessed on 20/04/2021)

Fig 4. The One Show (Youtube) VT Shot (2021) [Youtube Screenshot] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQWuw1w_5vM (Accessed on 20/04/2021)

Fig 5. The One Show (Youtube) Title Sequence 1 (2021) [Youtube Screenshot] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQWuw1w_5vM (Accessed on 20/04/2021)

Fig 6. The One Show (Youtube) Title Sequence 2 (2021) [Youtube Screenshot] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQWuw1w_5vM (Accessed on 20/04/2021)

Fig 7. The One Show (Youtube) Title Sequence 3 (2021) [Youtube Screenshot] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQWuw1w_5vM (Accessed on 20/04/2021)


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