This Morning

Within this blog post I will be speaking about the Concept and Content found within the magazine programme 'This Morning', this is relevant to the commissioned show Trending, as it is a magazine show that covers topics that are relevant and cover a vast variety of interests.

Fig 1. This Morning Logo (2021)

Concept and Content

This Morning is a British Magazine programme that is aired Monday - Friday at 10am each day on ITV. As this is a magazine programme 'The show airs live and features news, tropical items, showbiz, style and beauty, home and garden, food, health, real life and other segments.' (Wikapedia, 2021). According to Wikapedia, the show has aired 'on ITV since 3 October 1988, making it one of the longest running daytime programmes on British Television.'  Not only is This Morning a massive hit bringing in millions of viewers a day, they often run social media campaigns, have viral clips and have a great interaction and presence on social media.

 This Morning is aimed at various target audiences and has a wide variety of topics covered, however, normally mainly targets parents who may of taken their children to school and are now at home and able to watch the programme. In my opinion, although This Morning is aimed at different age ranges, I can tell they focus on this demographic of parents or people that would be home at this time as this is their main audience. People who are working are unlikely to be able to watch the programme. 


As mentioned This Morning is a 'magazine show'. 'A television program that presents a variety of topics, usually on current events, in a format that often includes interviews and commentary.' (Free Dictionary, 2021) Below I will be speaking about some of the segments they have had previously. 

Cooking Segments 

On This Morning they regularly have a cooking segment in some occasions with 5 star chefs, or it may even be one of the presenters favourite dinners. This segment I believe is used to be aimed at the stay at home parents, or people working from home who would have time to watch This Morning and then make the recipe in the evening. They then look to post the recipe on the website, which is always shown available with a banner on screen which shows the audience how they can access a copy of the recipe. I've noticed when researching This Morning that they are very good with working and gaining audiences amongst all platforms which again makes it relevant for all target audiences and engages people once the show is over, people are still watching their youtube clips and checking out anything missed on the website. In my opinion this is one of the reasons the show is so successful, as even when the show ends at 12:30, everything from the show is so accessible. 

Hollywood Interviews 

Interviews are also a big feature on This Morning especially if a new film is coming out or a television programme is booming, they always have interviews with celebrities and people involved. I feel this is a brilliant part of This Morning as the interviews are always quite informal and it allows you to feel like you're sitting in watching the interview instead of it being formal and uptight. I always feel the interviews make you feel uplifted and comfortable as a viewer, regardless of how famous the celebrity is. It also gives This Morning that slight edge as you always feel like you're getting the inside scoop as they deliver news and topics relevant to that day or week. So you always know you're getting the hot topics. Again, another reason why I believe the target audience is so loyal to This Morning and ITV. 

Pet Tips

Even segments such as pet tips are successful as it's like free advice and This Morning always has audience participation which also makes it successful as I can imagine the audience engagement is very high. Within the Pet Segment I researched, they used it as a phone in, in which viewers could phone in with pet problems and speak to a Animal Expert that could help with their problems. The variety of topics such as this, is what brings a wide target audience of watchers, although not everyone may have pets, they would also have other individual segments that may not include all of the target audience, but it is such a wide concept, there will always be something for someone which is why it is such a good magazine show.


Another part of the concept I have found is that This morning is extremely relatable, even the presenters are of an older age, however they have younger talent like Alison Hammond, Rylan Clarke and Holly Willoughby that come across younger to then appeal to that audience. The programme although covering serious topics, also bring a upbeat energy and the presenters always seem up for having a laugh. I think this is really important as the programme is their to update and help you but also keep you in high spirits. They also upload compilations on Youtube of moments that have gone wrong, or funny moments in which the presenters have not been able to stop laughing, this again proves that the show doesn't take itself to seriously or puts itself on a pedestal, its relatable to all ages, class and backgrounds.

Type Of Shots

As I am a Camera Operator, I feel it's really important to ensure I am aware of what sort of shots occur on a relevant programme, which in this case is This Morning. I think it's important for me to see what they define as each shot to help influence my shots. 

Fig 2. One Shot Phil (2021)

Fig 3. One shot Holly (2021)

One Shot

As you can see from both Screenshots above from a This Morning episode, both the shots are mirrored with the same amount of room and head space. This was important for me to see as it shows as a muti-cam set up you have to be in sync with you fellow camera operators to ensure that it looks symmetrical, other wise this may throw the viewers of and the cuts between wont be as smooth. This studio set up is relevant to Trending as we will have singular cameras on each presenter, so this is something we definitively need to add into the test shoot and work on.

Fig 4. Two Shot (2021)

Similar to the one shot, the framing is tight. Although, this is because of social distancing it may not be as tight, you can see from the background they have made it relevant so it isn't just blank space which may be distracting and also boring for the viewer. Although there is enough head space to see the background and telescope, there isn't much room further than the chairs or feet space due to relevancy and the focus on the presenters speaking to us at home. If the shot was massively wide, would we be engaged as the audience if the presenters felt far away. This is going to be something we also need to test for trending as we are having hanging hashtags in the back, they will need to be placed in a perfect position for framing and this is something I am now aware of and will focus on.


This Morning is definitely relevant to our commissioned show 'Trending' as they're both Magazine shows and cover current affairs and relevant Topics up to date. Although Trending is based on a target audience of 16-24 year olds, it is also based on a progressive audience which means it should also appeal to the target audiences family and should be something you can all watch together, much like This Morning. This Morning does have similar content to Trending, which features Interviews, Top Tips and things that are Trending, much like this morning that covers a wide variety of topics that are relevant to the majority. 

This Morning and Trending also have similar content, the camera angles, banners and how the general studio production is put together with the multi-cam set up, is also similar to Trending, which also has a multi cam set up, features two main presenters and has various work stations that are covered. 

As I have researched, you can also see that although covering serious topics, this morning is light hearted and uplifting. Much like how trending is, Trending's values are to get the audience engaged and talking about topics they may not normally, open discussion and give young people a voice. Much like This Morning with their phone ins and experts, it allows viewers to discuss and speak about problems like Trending. As you can see both shows have massive similarities and will bring joy and uplift peoples mornings/days.

List Of Illustrations 

Fig 1. Youtube (2021) This Morning Logo [Youtube Video] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OakIn25KqFA (Accessed on 24/04/2021)

Fig 2. Youtube (2021)  One Shot Phil [Youtube Video] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OakIn25KqFA (Accessed on 24/04/2021)

Fig 3. Youtube (2021)One shot Holly [Youtube Video] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OakIn25KqFA (Accessed on 24/04/2021)

Fig 4. Youtube (2021) Two Shot [Youtube Video] At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OakIn25KqFA (Accessed on 24/04/2021)


Magazine Show. 2021. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014. (Online) Available at https://www.thefreedictionary.com/magazine+program. (Accessed on 24/04/2021)

Wikapedia. (2021) This Morning (Online) At: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Morning_(TV_programme) (Accessed on 24/04/2021)


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