TV NEWS - Production Paperwork


Risk Assessment completed by Matt Park.

The Risk Assessment completed by Matt Park, allows us to film safely which is so important to ensure everyone taking part in production both cast and crew are kept safe. As production can contain light, eletrical equipment and busy work places, there are many hazards that needs to be highlighted to ensure nothing is damaged and no one is hurt. You can see the assessment below.  If this step wasn't completed, it means that there would not be insurance covering me if anyone was hurt or the equipment became damaged, that's why it is so important to have a risk assessment to be able to analyze the risks during production and to minimise any chance that a injury or situation could occur.

Risk Assessment Two 


Storyboards created by Matt Park

Storyboards are so important as it allows the crew to visually view how the shots and sequence will look like.  If Matt was not to have completed the storyboard, it could have left the editor in a scenario were he may of not been able to visualise the news piece through just the script. It was important for it to be supplied to the group with the storyboard to ensure everyone is able to visually see how the script looks.

Shot List 

Shot lists are really important to ensure that we are also aware of which shots are needed to ensure we have shot everything we need. It allows us to be able to plan and prepare each shot, it also goes into much more detail which means that you can see every aspect of what needs to go into shot, for example if the shot is a close up and where abouts this shot will be taken place. The shot list is like a breakdown of the storyboard however written and not visualized. If we did not have the shot list as DP, this could become harder for me to keep on track of what needs to be filmed, the shot list is extremely helpful to ensure you're on track and get all aspects of coverage needed within the script. 

Call Sheet created by Katie Lovell

Call sheets also play a fundamental part in the pre production and planning of our News Channel. As we want to ensure that all Cast and Crew are getting the correct breaks and are not being overworked, which is so important to remain professional and to ensure again that all cast and crew are safe and are not exhausted, it's important to have a schedule to follow which you can see below. This allows us to also ensure we are on time to the schedule and we are meeting time deadlines, if we didn't have a call sheet and we were unaware of timings, we could fall behind which would be then harder and more stressful to meet a deadline.

Personal Release Forms 

Personal Release forms were signed through email due to circumstances. This is so we have the permission needed to be able to use interviews and anything they're featured in with the correct permissions. With the signed permission forms (personal release forms) it allows us to share the footage publicly with their permission. I have not included the forms due to GDPR and data protection. This was a really important stage to be completed as without permissions it means it could have got to a point where we had filmed and edited and then the contributor decides they wish for their part or footage to be taken out. With the forms signed it allows us to ensure we are able to use the footage due to the form already being signed and agreed.

Script created by Katie Lovell and Matt Park.

A Script is beneficial as it allows you to set out both in detail wordings and also you're able to visualise what the News Package will look like with the Audio and Visual set up. The script is also a good way of helping the editor know exactly what you're looking for within the package for example how graphics will look, cut aways etc. If we hadn't of had a script, it would of been extremely difficult to have been organized and for us to have completed other pre production like the storyboard and shot list. The script really is the set up and base to expand on, to ensure you're fully prepared.


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