Directions - Pre-Production and Production Notes

Pre-Production and Production Notes 


I created the storyboards to ensure I am aware of every shot I would like to get throughout shooting. I think it's really important to have a schedule and a rough idea of the shots I need to create my vision. As the director, I want to be prepared. Below show the storyboards and the ideas I have for each shot and in which order the story is told. This is an example of the first page of storyboards.

Shot List

I then created a shot list, this is so all the shots I have used within the storyboard are written and documented to ensure I know in which order I am shooting. Although the storyboard is there to tell me the order of the shots to the story, I really do prefer using a shot list when directing, as this has a plan to which order I will film each shot and not which shot is in order to the story. For example, I want to ensure I am doing the long shots first to allow my actors to warm up. Please see below a snippet of the shot list.

Risk Assessment

My Risk Assessment allows me to ensure all Cast and Crew are safe and any dangerous hazards or potential threats to equipment are avoided. By doing a recce of the location it allows me to ensure everyone is safe. I submitted a risk assessment for both locations to ensure both shoot days are accounted for. Please see below.

A Risk Assessment will be handed to both Cat and Crew before shooting takes place on the day of filming.

Prop List

Below is a Prop List, this includes all the items needed while filming, for example a piano, full English breakfast and etc. This is to ensure nothing is forgotten and that everything needed that adds to the scene and the storytelling is prepared. I want to ensure I am as organised as possible for the shoot.

My prop list only includes the props needed to tell the story and not what will be on set.

Set List

My set list contains my vision and what is needed on set, this includes set design and how I would like the room to look. This is just to make sure I am prepared for anything that is needed to be bought or supplied before the shoot. Please see below.

Costume List

As I'm filming an adaptation that is set in the 70's, It was really important for me to get the costume right. To do this, I created a costume list of my vision for each character and what I needed to get. This really helped as it meant I knew exactly what was needed and what I  needed to do to create the vision, this also included hairstyle and makeup. Below is my costume list and what I needed to get and prepare to create the vision.

Evidence of Liaising with Cast and Crew (Booking Cast and Crew)

It was important for me to be on top of hiring both cast and crew, as without them it would be hard to shoot. I started by first liaising with Crew, I did this by messaging them and asking if they were available for my shoot dates and if they where willing to get involved. After messaging George, Luke and Matt informing them of the Crew I wished them to play, they all said they would be willing to help.

As professional Actors were needed, I took to Mandy and posted an ad regarding the acting positions I needed. Mandy is a website which allows you to post ads for professional actors/Cast/Crew/Singers etc.

Below is an image of the start of my ad.

After being recommended an actress by a colleague at work, I got in contact with an Actress to play Sheila Dwight (Eltons Mum). Here is a text liaising with Caroline below.

Here is also an email i sent to Tom confirming the script, this was to ensure he had enough times to learn his lines and develop the character.

Call Sheet

To ensure all my Cast and Crew are aware of timings and shoot times, I have put together a Call sheet, this just allows my Cast and Crew to be aware of when they are needed. This also helps with the scheduling of Lunch, Location of shoot ect. This will be sent to all Cast and Crew prior to the shoot in case there is any problems with scheduling or timings. Please see the Call Sheet below.

Location Booking

As one of the locations I am using is within the Maidstone TV Studios, I had to get permission and book out the sound recording room. This was important as this was one of my final scenes within my adaptation. The final scene includes Elton and Bernie recording 'Your song' in the studio, which implies the change of how this song bought them success. It was important I booked this with enough notice to ensure I was able to book it for the full day. The booking process is done through Laura which I did by emailing her. You can see the email below.

Personal Release Forms

I will ensure personal release forms are completed by all Cast, this is to ensure they are happy for me to use the footage publicly and their agreement to partake in filming. I have not uploaded these for privacy and data reasons.

Lighting Plan 

I think it was really important to have a lighting plan set, due to working in a small space it was important the lighting was set up and I allowed myself a plan so I could be ready and prepared for the day.

Below is the lighting plan I will give to my gaffer on the day. I'm hoping this will give them an idea to the kind of lighting I'm trying to achieve.


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