Fiction Adaptation - Production Paperwork

Pre-Production Paperwork

Below is all the production paperwork I have used to ensure that my production is organised, safe and runs smoothly. 


Script Writing, I always find quite difficult as I find it hard to put words onto a page if I can't visually see it but I felt fully prepared at this stage in what I wanted my short film to be about and what I wanted to go into it. Writing the script is beneficial as it allows me to then go onto the storyboard and shot list which are the main factors that help me go from developing the idea and the storyline, to then being able to visually see the story and prepare for the production stage. 

Risk Assessment 

This is the Risk Assessment for my project below, Risk Assessments are so important as it allows me to ensure I am filming safely and putting no one at risk of danger or on production. In this case, the circumstance is slightly different as I am currently only allowed to film with myself due to Covid guidelines. Therefore, although I completed the Risk Assessment it was purely to ensure I wasn't putting myself in danger of equipment being damaged or wires being tripped over. The importance of the RA is massive, to ensure production is completely safe. If this step wasn't completed, my production wouldn't be insured or if anyone was put at risk, so this step is extremely important to minimise risk and ensure any risks are identified.


All production is important, however I feel storyboards are the ones that really help me through production. I'm very much someone who benefits from visuals and this allows me to feel prepared for production and also the editing period. It allows me to see how I visually step by step with my script have imagined and set out for my piece to look and feel. Puts the script into visual terms which I feel is very beneficial.

Shot List 

Shot Lists are important to ensure that I don't miss out on any shots and that I can ensure I have a list of everything I need to complete. It allows me to be able to refer to my shot list while I am in production. It also is very handy like the storyboard when it comes to the edit, as I can refer to the order in which I have planned the shoot and the timeline of the story. If I did not do a shotlist it would in fact make it harder for me to be organized which means there could be delays on production and as it's only me on this production it could have lead to frustration and stress.

Location Recce

Location Recce's just like the Risk Assessment are important to ensure that you can complete the RA and get an understanding of the location, risks, fire exits and points you may need to know before filling out the Risk Assessment. Luckily, as this was my own home I had to film in, this was easily done and I was already of an understanding of the location. 

Prop List 

Having a Prop List also allows me to organise the night before what I need and get it together, by doing this it means that I don't waste time on production. Wasting time on production may mean you lose time or light and also that you may end up rushing shots to finish on time which could then impact the final film.

Call Sheet 

Although, It's just me, I still did a call sheet to make sure I wasn't overworking and I still had a break to ensure there was no stress or strain I had put on myself. It also allows me to feel organized for the day.


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