Documentary - PRE-PRODUCTION

Risk Assessment - Created by Katie Lovell

The Risk Assessment I completed below which was sent and signed by Laura, is to give me permission to film within my own home. Due to the current circumstances we are having to film interviews through our computers and any potential cutaways. The Risk Assessment is there to ensure the safety of me and any family members within my household. You can see the Risk Assessment below. If this step wasn't completed, it means that there would not be insurance covering me if anyone was hurt or the equipment became damaged, that's why it is so important to have a risk assessment to be able to analyse the risks during production and to minimise any chance that a injury or situation could occur.

Storyboards - Created by Katie Lovell

To ensure as a group we were all of an understanding of the story to our documentary, I created the storyboard for everyone below. I did the drawings and the storyboard which me and George used for the script also. I created the storyboard so we have a smooth view of the story of our documentary and can see visually the sequence of our storyboard and documentary, this is beneficial as the storyboard allows everyone within the group visualise our documentary sequence by sequence. If I was not to have completed the storyboard, it could have left the editor in a scenario were he may of not been able to visualise the documentary through just the script. It was important for me to supply the group with the storyboard to ensure everyone is able to visually see how the script looks.

Shot List - Created by George Larman

On this occasion and due to circumstances, as we were not able to shoot footage like we normally would, we made a short shot list which contains the shots we will be using from stock footage and also from any shots we are attempting to take at our own homes. This is so we are organised in regards to what we need to shoot and when. This is really helpful during film week as it allows you to see every individual shot needed to shoot along with the stock footage I supplied to the group.

Prop List/ Set List - Created by Katie Lovell

Although as mentioned above this is not our normal scenario, I would normally create a prop/set list with everything I need on the shoot day. On this occasion, I have created a short set list for myself, to remember all the things I need to shoot at home. As we are filming interviews through the laptop, I want to make sure I'm prepared with everything charged/tested and ready to go.

Call Sheet - Created by George Larman

The call sheet was created by George as the director, It was important we still remained professional and have a schedule so our interviewers are ready and aware of what time we intend to film. Also helps with the scheduling of lunch and any breaks etc, so although we are not able to shoot together, we are still not overworking or causing our contributors to feel overworked which is important we still maintain and don't overlook.

Personal Release Form 

We made sure that the Personal Release Forms were signed through email as it is important we have our contributors permission to use and share their footage. If for any reason we uploaded and aired our documentary without the permission from our contributors, it means that we may not of been able to share their contribution publicly or they may not have been okay with being posted on youtube etc. So, it was really important the personal release forms had been signed, so that we can ensure we have the rights to using the footage with their permission. I have not shown this below for GDPR reasons.

Script - Katie Lovell and George Larman.

As a group we began on a group call to begin the script together, it was important our AV script was correctly formatted and clearly followed the audio and visual aspects of our documentary. As me and George had done research on scripts, we finished the script us two together. It's important to have a script so we are able to clearly set out the format, shots, titles and complete structure of our documentary. It allows us to follow and set out how we fully vision our documentary, it is also beneficial for our editor Stanley, as it allows him to follow the structure and script when editing and putting the footage together.


Here is the Transcript below that I done for one of the interviews. It was important we did transcripts as it allows the editor to reference parts of the interview clearly by using the transcript and cause a smooth edit. Instead of the editor having to trail through the footage not knowing what answer was given and when. The time codes down the side help the editor see what point the video is and what answer they may be looking for to put into the edit. So it was really important we completed these for each interview to ensure that the best answers were time coded which gives Stan a chance to speed up the edit because the information we plan on using has already been time coded and found.


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