S2S - Production Paperwork and Notes

Pre-Production and Notes 

Risk Assessment
Below is my Risk Assessment for my production day and location, I feel this is one of the most important parts of filming, as the RA is done to ensure the safety of both your cast and crew. It is a way of measuring the danger of the location you are wishing to use and to ensure it is safe and practical.

It was also important to complete this and ensure all safety measures and correct processes are to be taken if being around the public. In my instance, we were shooting in a public field and there were likely to be dogs and their owners wondering around.

I ensured we stood out by my crew wearing high-viability jackets, as this also meant the public were aware filming was going on.

During shooting I made all cast and crew aware of the risk assessment so they knew exactly the dangers and risks.

Call Sheet 

The call sheet was also an important document as it allowed me to send all the information needed for the crew and cast together in an email, it gave them the details of timings and location which was important. You can see my call sheet below.

Shot List 

As well as my storyboard, I also created a shot list, I prefer shot lists personally as I feel that it is a more direct way of knowing your shots, a storyboard is an image where a shot list in detail tells me exactly what shot I planned next without the image. I also feel it is more organised and easier to read. I used my shot list a lot on the production day and it was really my whole schedule. I'm really happy I did a shot list as it became invaluable. You can see my shot list below.

Personal Release Forms 

Personal Release Forms are also really important as it is the permission from your cast to allow you to use your footage and film the actors. I had two actors and both their personal release forms are below. 

Prop/Costume List 

Although, I didn't use many props, it was important for me to allow my cast to be aware of the costumes and how I wanted them to be perceived. The only props I needed were a walking stick, hat, scarf, a running belt and headphones. Costumes were slightly more specific as you can see below.

Filming Accessories 

It was important to me to be prepared on the day as I wanted the day to run as smoothly as possible, I made a list of things I would need on the day and what I would need to prepare the night before to ensure the cast and crew are comfortable. Also, that i'm prepared for weather and so on.
You can see this below.


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