Documentary - WORKSHOPS
21.03.20 - Interview workshop with Helen and Ferg Today we did an interview workshop with Helen and Ferg, due to the current circumstances we are now taking lessons over Microsoft Teams so we are able to still continue learning. The aim of the workshop was to see the advantages of LED lighting and to learn the importance of creating visually aesthetic interviews and shots to ensure we are shooting to a professional standard. This was really important for me to learn, as it has allowed me to understand some interview aspects and what makes good lighting for specific documentaries styles. I also have learnt the benefits of using LED lighting and how using the three point lighting system, can create profession lighting to fit our documentaries. It is important for us to remember the key parts of setting up for example: Exposure - Amount of light allowed through the camera lens Lighting - The set up in which we may use the Key Light, Back Light and Fill light Composition -...